Welcome to Cafetera Intelectual!

We’re two coffee pros sharing stories from coffee professionals across the supply chain in both English and Spanish. We love all things delicious.

Sandra and Doris are Latinas living in the California Bay Area and working in Specialty Coffee


Doris Garrido

Doris was born in the mayan riviera, and is now happily living and drinking coffee in Oakland, California.

After spending over ten years working in the wine industry, she trained as a barista and fell completely in love with coffee.

Doris works at The Crown: Royal Coffee Lab & Tasting Room in Oakland as their roaster, where she analyzes coffee, cups, supports the education program, and hosts events.




Sandra Elisa Loofbourow

Sandra has spent more than 12 years working in the coffee industry. She’s been a barista, manager, trainer, roaster, and green coffee buyer. She’s a CQI instructor who certifies new Q Graders.

In past lives, she worked as a chef, tango teacher and dancer, and as an interpreter and translator in English/Spanish. In coffee, she found work that united many of her interests; it has allowed her to keep learning and pursuing deliciousness.

We live in between worlds.

Doris and Sandra have the privilege of communicating with all sides of the supply chain and want to share those stories in both English and Spanish.

  Thanks to:

Jessica Caisse, for the logo jessicacaisse.com

Adam Spry, for the music adamspry.bandcamp.com

Lindsey Shea, for the photos lindsey-shea.com